Year 2- Stick Man 2024 - 2025
Mrs Brierley
Welcome to Stick Man Class
Class Teacher: Mrs Brierley
Classroom support: Mrs Hegg
Hello, my name is Mrs Brierley and I am the Year 2 class teacher. We are supported by Mrs Hegg and on Thursdays we have Miss Fletcher for PE. In Year 2 we aim to be a friendly supportive class, that always wears a huge smile. We work hard and play hard always giving 100% effort. We focus on learning how to respond to others by turn taking, listening and being a kind friend to all.
During their time in Year 2,children will learn about the History of toys, with a visit to Turton Tower in December to learn and experience how the Victorians celebrated Christmas, and what type of gifts they received as children. They will also learn about specific landmarks and the seas and oceans which surround the UK. In Science they will learn about different types of materials and their uses whilst learning about healthy eating in Design and Technology.
Home Learning
High Frequency words will be sent home to practice the spelling of at the begining of each week.
Reading books are sent home every Wednesday. Please send your child to school with their reading book and folder every day.
For more information, please refer to the Year 2 curriculum tabs at the top of the page.
Milk and fresh fruit
All infant children are offered a piece of fruit during the day. Alternatively, you can send in one healthy snack into school for your child. Your child will also have the opportunity to purchase toast on Tuesdays ansd Thursdays at a cost of 20p per slice.
Families have the option to purchase milk for their child, and this is pre-ordered and paid for via Parent Pay.
Water Bottles
Please can you ensure that your child bring a water bottle to school every day, with their name clearly visible. These need to be taken home for cleaning and refilling each day. They can also be refilled at school during the day.
The children can visit the infant library every Thursday to choose a book to bring home to read and share. They will need to bring the book back on the following Thursday so it can be swapped for a new book.
Our PE day is every Thursday with Miss Fletcher. Please send your child to school in their full PE kit on this day - if for unforseen circumstances and our PE day needs to be changed, we will text you and let you know the new day in advance.
Extra Information
Library Day: Thursday
PE Day: Thursday
If you want to find out more about our Year 2 curriculum please click on the tabs at the top of this page.