Church and Worship


Our vision


Looking up to God; looking in and reflecting; looking out to the world.

To be a happy, inclusive and aspirational school, in which each unique child can flourish.

Always, ‘Doing all we can’ and celebrating ‘Life in all its fullness’.


You will have life and life in all its fullness. (John 10:10)                                           Do all you can (John Wesley)


Our values


Our vision is underpinned by Christian values: Forgiveness, Thankfulness & Respect; overarched by Love

…And the greatest of these is love (Corinthians 13:13)


We offer a broad and balanced RE curriculum, learning about Christianity and other faiths. We give our children the opportunity to reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. Our aim is to enable children to have an informed and thoughtful account of religion. We will encourage our children to reflect critically and responsibly on their own spiritual, philosophical and ethical convictions.

We are very lucky to be linked to a number of local churches and faith leaders from The Methodist Church and Anglican Churches regularly lead worships in our school. We have our own school prayer which you can see below.

We worship every day in school and have a worship plan that enables the children to learn from religions as well as about religions. We have "Worship Warriors" in our school who lead some aspects of worship and meet with our RE leader to help support the curriculum. 

All the churches make extensive offers to our community and you can see this on their websites:

St. Anne's Church (2).jpg
St. Anne's Church, Chapeltown



Our School Prayer

School Prayer.JPG


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