The IMPACT Curriculum: Intent, Implementation and Impact

The IMPACT Curriculum


The IMPACT Curriculum is aspirational and considers our local community and setting. It leads to knowledgeable, confident, independent learners, who have a passion for learning and are adaptable to the needs of the world once they leave the school. Through our curriculum, we will ensure that pupils are aware of their strengths and we aim to celebrate all of their successes, whilst also ensuring they are resilient, well rounded people who possess the necessary attributes to cope when they face challenges.

At Turton Edgworth C of E / Methodist Primary School we will:

  • Provide an aspirational curriculum that covers all the skills and knowledge in the National Curriculum; and more
  • Provide a content-rich curriculum, full of challenge
  • Provide a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum that is unique to our school and community
  • Provide rich opportunities for oracy
  • Follow a ‘mastery’ approach to mathematics and promote fluency
  • Promote positivity, happiness and self-esteem amongst the children we teach
  • Meet the needs of every child and be fully inclusive
  • Provide an environment that promotes a growth mindset and teaches children they can learn from their mistakes

All staff and governors will understand the rationale behind our curriculum offer and will embrace its intent. Whilst staff understand that all subjects are important, they will know that reading and maths underpin everything. All learning, in all subjects, has its roots in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Our curriculum will ensure that children remember their primary school years positively. Learning should be deep and meaningful and experiences and knowledge that the children gain in lessons will be fully embedded. We expect the children to:

  • Always try their best
  • Recognise the importance of taking pride in their presentation
  • Understand that making mistakes is an important part of learning
  • Never give up: “The power of yet…”


At Turton Edgworth, we have used the National Curriculum alongside specific schemes of work to allow our children to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed. We recognise that the curriculum encompasses all areas of learning and we provide learning which makes links across all subjects to give children a clear rationale for completing their work. The children will be aware of the subject in which they are learning skills and knowledge at all times.

In order to allow our children to remember key skills and information, they will revisit them frequently over the course of all key stages. All learning, in all subjects, has its roots in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Wherever possible, reading, writing and maths activities are linked across lessons and reading is used continuously to discover and explore. The same quality of work is expected across all subjects which leads to higher standards and outcomes.

Predominantly, learning is recorded in subject specific exercise book; however, for some subjects/topics, outcomes are recorded through large presentation books. These represent a synopsis of the class learning along with the children’s work. They also demonstrate the independence of learning which we expect from our pupils.

Lesson take various formats. These may include:

  • Independent research, information gathering and summarising
  • Direct teacher led lessons, teaching new skills and knowledge
  • Presentation lessons, where children apply their basic skills
  • Practical / field work activities

We require the children to work in these ways so that they build their resilience and can then independently apply their skills and knowledge once a topic is complete.

Each block of work within each subject comes with its own knowledge organiser which lists the key learning and opportunities for assessment. At regular points, teachers will allow children to have their say in the how the topic within the subject has progressed and what they would change if they were to study the same topic again.

Trips booked for the children will be of high quality. The intention of such trips is to provide the children with cultural capital and to give them experiences that enhance their learning. Practical activities such as experiments in science and field work in geography will form a significant part of the curriculum giving children quality lived experiences.


The children have access to an ambitious curriculum that is broad in scope yet specific and pertinent to them and where they live. It ensures fidelity across year groups and Key stages as it grows in difficulty and is sequential; building on prior learning. Children enjoy learning, make good progress and have outstanding outcomes.

The impact of the school’s curriculum can be seen in the learning produced in children’s exercise books and big books. Enrichment activities can also be seen on our website, Twitter, Facebook, Tapestry and Blippit Boards. Subject leaders record the children’s voice by speaking with the children. Their learning is also clearly evident on the walls of their classrooms and other learning environments. We always ensure the children are aware of the things they have done well and what they can work on to improve further.

Pupil progress and attainment will be outstanding. It is rigorously monitored through ongoing assessment and through three key assessment points during the year in reading, writing and maths and two key assessment points in the year for all other subjects. Teachers meet with senior leaders in school to discuss pupil progress and set effective targets.

Future planning is directly impacted by AfL and misconceptions and gaps in learning identified through assessments. This ensures children’s learning is deep, and that the curriculum effectively meets the needs of all pupils. Previous learning is regularly revisited in order to ensure it is embedded.

Senior leaders in school monitor the impact of our curriculum through regular lesson observations, planning and book scrutiny and analysis of data. Governors maintain a strategic overview of the impact of our curriculum by holding “Curriculum and Learning Committee” meeting and reporting back to the Full Governing Board at their termly meetings. They receive feedback regularly from subject leaders and challenge them by asking about their subjects. Governors also receive a written impact report every year from every subject leader. They contribute by questioning and suggesting ideas, providing a budget for the curriculum and in the writing and ratification of policies.

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