School Office Information

Welcome to the school office. Please feel free to contact Mrs Page for all enquiries:

Tel: 01204 852932
Email: [email protected]

Should you require any of the information held on our website in a paper format, or if you are unsure about anything related to school, or need to let us know about your child or have any concerns, please contact us as detailed above or call in at the school office.

The school day begins at 8:55am. The bell will sound at 08.50am to signal that the classroom doors are open, children may then go straight into their classroom. At 08.55am the bell will sound again to signal that the classroom doors will close. Any pupil arriving after 08.55am, should enter school via the main school office to sign in. Morning playtime is from 10:30am to 10:45am. Infant children have lunch at 11:50am and Juniors begin lunch at 12:00. All children return to class at 1:00pm. Children have afternoon play at 2:00pm and school finishes at 3:30pm.


Newsletters are sent out on the last Friday of every month by email or a paper copy upon request. You can also read our newsletter online by visiting our newsletter section.

Letters and information are sent out by email to parents and families and are backed up with a text message.

Milk and Fruit

All Infant children are provided with fruit during the day. Your child is encouraged to bring a water bottle into school or purchase milk. Milk costs £2.00 per half term. Infant children have the option to buy toast at playtime on a Tuesday and Thursday at a cost of 20p. Junior children have the option to buy toast and healthy snacks at playtime on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, prices vary. We encourage healthy eating and therefore unhealthy snacks such as biscuits, chocolate or crisps are discouraged.

On-line Payments

At our school, we are a cashless school and parents use an on-line payment system - ParentPay - to pay on-line for items such as dinner money, trips, uniform items, etc. Once your child is on roll at this school, parents will be sent an activation letter which gives information on how to activate your child's account.


A whole school worship takes place several times per week along with in-class worship and celebration assembly on a Friday afternoon.


If your child is unwell at school we will contact you through your emergency contact details. It is therefore essential that this is up to date. If your child is unwell before school, please phone school to inform us (01204 852932). If we have not been contacted by 09.30am we will contact you.

Administering Medicines

The staff at our school are happy to administer medicine to pupils. Please take a look at our Administering Medicine Policy which can be found on our website here. Parents must always complete the consent form before any medication can be administered. Thank you

For further information, please have a look at our Policy page on this website. If there is something you cannot find or would like further help with, please always contact the school office who will happily help. Thank you

School Closure due to bad weather

In the last couple of years, we have extensively reviewed our ‘extreme weather’ procedures and stress to all our families that I will always make every effort to open school in cases of bad weather but only if I can guarantee it is safe to do so. “Safe” is not always referring to the ground conditions and often refers to the ratio of adults and children I can offer. I would ask for everyone’s understanding that there MAY be instances when the weather conditions around school do not seem severe at all but, as many staff travel long distances to Edgworth, I may be unable to safely open school due to the number of staff who can make it in. The procedure for informing families remains the same in that, only if the school is to be closed or delayed start, we will send a text message and email to all parents, staff, governors and external agencies at 7am and a note will be added to the school website to advise of the plans for the day. Please do not use any other form of communication (e.g. Face Book) or hearsay as a basis for a decision about school opening as this has led to confusion in the past.

It is possible that in extreme weather we may have a delayed start, but this would be communicated in the official 7am message. If the weather takes an extreme turn for the worse during the day, we will contact all parents to arrange collection of children. Children will not be released unless we have made contact with parents.

Please ensure the number we have as your emergency contact is one that can be reached during the day. On occasion, we have tried to ring an emergency number only to find it is to a phone that must be switched off during the working day and so, as such, is not an appropriate emergency contact number. Thank you in advance of your support on this challenging issue.