PSHE & RSE (Inc. British Values)
"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." Tony Robbins
Lead teacher: Mrs Sears
Link governor: Stacey Painter
Welcome to Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). Please read the information and then click on the school badges below to see the INTENT of our PSHE & RSE curriculum, how we IMPLEMENT our PSHE & RSE curriculum and the IMPACT of our PSHE & RSE curriculum.
Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education, or PSHE education, gives pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens.
Relationships and Sex Education, or RSE, develops children's understanding of appropriate, healthy relationships and how their bodies change as they grow. We follow statutory guidance and use the correct, scientific language throughout. All teaching is age-appropriate and designed to not shatter innocence. The teaching of "Relationships" is now statutory and families cannot withdraw their children from this part of the curriculum. Any families who wish to discuss the "sex" element can contact school at any time. We give families the opportunity to see our resources and we have a guide for families in the "Implementation" section above.
Children at Edgworth take part in a wide range of activities and experiences that develop them personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. A structured programme of study throughout school helps us to address children’s various needs: emotional health and well-being, sex and relationships, drugs and personal safety.
Fundamental British Values are taught through this curriculum. They are democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerence for those of different faiths or none. Children are also encouraged to find out about the main political and social institutions that affect their lives and about their responsibilities, rights and duties. They learn to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity and differences.
PSHE is delivered weekly and is reinforced throughout school with weekly themes, celebrations, assemblies, specific activities and school events and through pastoral care and guidance. RSE forms one section of the curriculum and is taught in the Spring Term by all year groups.
Our PSHE (& RSE) programme is a whole school focus for all children, organised into six themes throughout the year:
Social and emotional aspects of learning’ enable us to be effective learners, to interact successfully and to be responsible citizens. By promoting a mindful approach and developing self-awareness, management of feelings, motivation, empathy and social skills, we can help children manage life and learning and minimise negative behaviours.
Staff promote our ethos in the way they relate to children and through their methodologies. Co-operative learning, reciprocal teaching and talk partners encourage cooperation and allow children to put the skills into practice. Our school council, Eco Council, Buddy scheme, play leaders, house system, and regular, specific, creative enrichment projects encourage relationships between year groups and a greater sense of community.
We also have trained staff that run emotional literacy groups for children who require direct support.
In the playground, we support positive behaviours. All our staff have regular training and provide enrichment activities and encourage positive engagement. We also regularly train older children to become peer mediators so they can help with low-level grievances.
We recognise that learning is accelerated and behaviour managed most effectively when parents are involved. As part of this commitment, we encourage parents to feedback to school regularly and consult them along with governors on behaviour policies in school. Children are also encouraged to be involved through the use of school council committees.
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