
Please find below details on our school governing body and information about our experienced group of governors.

Governing Body:

The governors of Turton & Edgworth C.E./Methodist Primary School take pride in supporting the staff and children under the leadership of Mr Wheatley and the senior leadership team.

The Governing Body is comprised of the Headteacher and governors who are appointed to represent The Dioceses of Manchester, The Methodist Church and the Local Authority. We have one Staff and five Parent Governors who are appointed for 4 year terms and all parents are given the opportunity to participle in nominating and voting in parental elections.
The Governing Body holds the right to appoint Associate Governors based on their desirable skill set at the time. They serve a period of 1 year and have delegated voting rights for the committee they are on. 
The Governing Body meets at least once every term and has established a number of sub-committees which meet regularly to address issues delegated to them.  We are fortunate to have a wide variety of expertise within our governor team. We draw on the expertise of each member to ensure that our team is as strong as it can be.
On 18 March 2016 the School Governance Constitution Regulations 2012 was amended so that all serving governors in maintained schools will be required to have an enhanced criminal records certificate (ECRC). This means that, by 1 September 2016, all serving governors must have an enhanced CRC and, from April 1 2016, governing bodies must have applied for an ECRC within 21 days of the election or appointment of a new governor. We can confirm that all governors at Turton & Edgworth CE/Methodist Primary School have had this completed. 

Our main committees are Finance & Personnel, Curriculum & Learning and Staff Pay.

Our Chair of Governors is Daniella Thompson

Our Vice-Chair of Governors is Scott Crookes

Our Safeguarding Governor is Stacey Painter

all of whom can be contacted via the main school office on 01204 852932 or by email at [email protected]

Our governors examine all aspects of school life with due diligence and are always pleased to hear from parents with views, questions and issues. Please feel free to contact them via school. Attendance figures reported below are for the year 2023 - 2024. Attendance data will be updated at the start of every academic year.

Our Governing Body

Category        Appointed by Name Term of Office FGB Attendance for 2023-24 Committee Committee Attendance for 2023-24 Business & Financial Interest Subject Link Governor
Foundation Governor Church of England Vacancy            
Foundation Governor Church of England Lindsay Farnworth Start  21.02.24 - 21.02.28 2/3




Foundation Governor Methodist Church Glen Atkinson Start 14.09.23 - 14.09.27  Not in post     Methodist Church R.E.
Foundation Governor Methodist Church Rev Chris Pritchard Start  01.09.24 - 01.09.28 Not in post    



Local Authority Governor Local Authority/Governing Body Paul Wilde (Chair of Finance Committee) Start 09.12.19 - 09.12.23 & 09.12.23 - 09.12.27 3/3

Finance - Chair

Staff Pay

3/3 None



Headteacher Ex Officio Craig Wheatley Start 01.01.18 3/3



Staff Pay



Staff Governor Staff Angela Brierley Start 21.06.22 to 21.06.26 2/3 Curriculum 3/3 None  
Parent Governor Parents Stacey Painter Start 09.12.19 to 09.12.23 & 09.12.23 - 09.12.27 3/3

Curriculum Safeguarding Gov




Stacey Painter Wellbeing - Holistic Therapist

Social Work England




Wellbeing Governor for families

Parent Governor Parents Chris Miller Start 22.11.21 to 22.11.25 3/3 Finance 3/3 None Computing
Parent Governor Parents Aimee Robinson Start 26.09.22 to 26.09.26 3/3 Curriculum 2/3 None



Governor Training

Parent Governor Parents Elinor Whitlock Start 04.12.23 to 04.12.27 1/3

Curriculum - Chair

Staff Pay

2/3 None



Parent Governor Parents Scott Crookes (Vice-Chair) Start 22.11.21 to 22.11.25 3/3 Finance 3/3 None Maths
Co-Opted Governor Governing Body Jeff Newman Start 03.10.11 to 03.10.15 & 03.10.15 - 03.10.19 & 03.10.19 to 03.10.23 & 03.10.23 to 03.10.27 1/3   2/3 None


Staff wellbeing Governor

Co-Opted Governor Governing Body Daniella Thompson  Chair of Governors (Chair of Curriculum & Learning Committee) Start 10.12.18 - 10.12.22 & 10.12.22 - 10.12.26 3/3 Finance 2/3 None English
Co-Opted Governor Governing Body Jane Morris (Chair of Staff Pay Committee) Start 17.12.12 - 07.10.16 & 07.10.16 - 07.10.20 & 07.10.20 - 07.10.24 & 07.10.24 to 07.10.28 3/3


Staff Pay - Chair

3/3 None Geography
Co-Opted Governor Governing Body Julian Clissold Start 12.07.12 - 12.07.16 & after reconstitution 01.06.15 - 01.06.19 & 01.06.19 - 01.06.23 & 01.06.27 3/3 Curriculum 3/3 Runs the school chess club Science
Associate Governor Governing Body Sarah Murphy Original Start 13.11.18 - 31.08.25 2/3 Voting rights on Finance 3/3 None  
Associate Governor Governing Body Vicky Carr  Original Start 01.01.19 - 31.08.25 3/3 Voting rights on Curriculum 2/3 None  

Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months:

Category Appointed By Name Term of Office FGB Attendance for 2023-24 Committee Committee Attendance for 2023-24 Business & Financial Interest
Foundation Governor Church of England Revd. Canon Peter Reiss Ex Officio start 03.09.19 to 22.02.24 0/3


0/3 Trustee of St. Anne's PCC
Foundation Governor Methodist Church Alison McGarel Start 16.04.20 - 16.04.24 2/3



Trustee of Learn Uncle Charity

Bolton Choral Union

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