Vision, values and exceptionality

Our vision

Looking up to God; looking in and reflecting; looking out to the world.

To be a happy, inclusive and aspirational school, in which each unique child can flourish.

Always, ‘Doing all we can’ and celebrating ‘Life in all its fullness’.

You will have life and life in all its fullness. (John 10:10) Do all you can (John Wesley)

We will achieve our vision by:

-planning and delivering an exceptional, inclusive and ambitious curriculum

-providing personal development and enrichment opportunities for all children

-celebrating each child’s uniqueness and providing opportunities to reach their potential, regardless of their starting points

Our values

Our vision is underpinned by Christian values: Forgiveness, Thankfulness & Respect; overarched by Love

…And the greatest of these is love (Corinthians 13:13)

Celebrate our exceptionality at Turton and Edgworth

Everyone at our school knows that we learn by making mistakes. All children, in all classes, develop resilience by knowing “The power of YET”.

Our commitment that every single child in our school accesses a minimum of 4 personal development opportunities every year. This is recorded and evidenced and includes making use of the environment outside of the classroom and school.

Our curriculum is ambitious and inclusive. It is carefully sequenced, progressive and exceeds the National Curriculum. In all subjects, our children are exposed to memorable learning that they can recall and connect to other pieces of knowledge.

Teaching and learning is outstanding and there are no ceilings on children’s learning opportunities. We actively teach inclusive behaviours. Our carefully planned and accessible learning environments enable independent thinking and learning. We aim for all children to reach their full potential, regardless of their starting points or challenges.

Children at Turton Edgworth embrace responsibilities and rise to the challenge. Children are (not exhaustive): Worship Warriors, prefects, subject ambassadors, buddies, members of the school parliament and deliver PAWS (Protecting Animals With Schools) responsibilities.

Nurturing self-belief and leadership; including ensuring children know how to keep themselves and others safe, both online and offline.

Our belief that language development, progressing to reading fluency, is the gateway to all learning. We provide access to high quality language modelling and texts. We actively promote reading for pleasure. For example (not exhaustive): children on the headteacher's 'Wall of Fame' are rewarded with a high-quality book, reinstating 2 libraries in school (the nearest public library is over 2.8 miles away) and reading sheds on both playgrounds.

Opportunities to perform, compete, debate, etc. are given to children across the school. As are opportunities to learn by visiting places or inviting in visitors to improve children’s culture capital.

Providing life-skills such as cooking, bakery, bikability, role-play, PSHE, healthy living (e.g. G.U.L.P.) to prepare children for a successful future.

Children are provided with opportunities to learn about diversity and difference; including being a part of the “Linking Schools” project. This allows them to grow and prepare them for the future. To understand their place in modern Britain, and the world; how they can be a courageous advocate and make a valuable contribution; including valuing the importance of being eco-friendly.