Turton and Edgworth CofE Methodist Primary School Homepage
We currently have some available in most year groups.
Please click on this link to find out more
(please note we have no "catchment area")
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Sears who can be contacted at office@turtonedgworth.blackburn.sch.uk
Our Mental Health leader is Miss Holden and our Mental Health First Aiders are Mr Wheatley, Mrs Carr and Mrs Murphy.
Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Daniella Thompson who can also be contacted via the main school office.
For general information about our school, please contact Mrs Page in the school office on 01204 852932 or email office@turtonedgworth.blackburn.sch.uk
We look forward to hearing from you,
Mr C Wheatley
Head Teacher
...at a glace!