Personal Development: Enrichment and Youth Social Action

“Personal Development is a major time saver. The better you become, the less time it takes to achieve your goals.” Brian Tracy

Lead teacher: Mr Wheatley

Link governor: Daniella Thompson

Here at Turton and Edgworth, we treat Personal Development (PD) as if it is a curriculum 'subject' all of its own. Below you will find links to enrichment, Youth Social Action (YSA) and The Edgworth Award. We believe that enrichment activities and engaging children in youth social action projects helps them to live out our school vision:

Our vision

Looking up to God; looking in and reflecting; looking out to the world.

To be a happy, inclusive and aspirational school, in which each unique child can flourish.

Always, ‘Doing all we can’ and celebrating ‘Life in all its fullness’.

You will have life and life in all its fullness. (John 10:10) Do all you can (John Wesley)

Personal development features on the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and on every teachers appraisal. We are committed to ensuring that all children, in all classes, regardless of their starting points will access a minimum of 4 Personal Development opportunities throughout every year at school. Also, every child will have the opportunity to achieve The Edgworth Award, please click on the links below for more details!